Permanent Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest made when individual councillors were appointed to the council, or which subsequently became apparent and which are applicable to all council meetings.
Councillor James Hawkins: Beneficial Interest held in land or property in the Community Council's area.
Councillor Steve Jolliffe: Beneficial Interest held in land or property in the Community Council's area.
Councillor David Williams: Beneficial Interest held in land or property in the Community Council's area.
Councillor Glyn Williams: Beneficial Interest held in land or property in the Community Council's area.
Additional Declarations of Interest
Declarations of interest not covered by the above, but declared in advance of specific agenda item(s), or which became apparent and were declared during the course of a debate.
1/11/22 Councillor Glyn Williams Declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Application DM/2022/00969 as he was the applicant