Have your say on proposed future changes to Home to School Transport

Monmouthshire County Council is seeking residents’ views on proposed changes to its home to school transport policy for the 2024/2025 academic year. The consultation will run until Monday 26th June, 2023.


The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2014, places a statutory duty on local authorities to provide home to school transport where children and young people meet the eligibility criteria. Each year local authorities are required to review their Transport Policy and consult on any changes to the existing arrangements. While Monmouthshire has not sought to make any significant changes to its Transport Policy, amendments have been proposed to make its operational practices clearer and more transparent for parents, learners, and other stakeholders. The Council would like your views on its future Transport Policy so that it can ensure it is considering all viewpoints.


The consultation runs until 5pm on Monday 26th June and requests your views on the proposed Transport Policy and specifically to the key changes suggested on the categories below:

  • Transport hierarchy, reflecting the Welsh Government’s Llwybr Newydd Transport Strategy, which includes Active Travel, public transport, dedicated home to school transport, and ‘feeder transport’.
  • Provision of transport to Faith schools.
  • Learners with dual residences.
  • Learners with additional learning needs.
  • Assessing a school’s suitability.
  • Available walking routes.

The proposed Transport Policy is available as a separate document or can be viewed on School Transport - Monmouthshire. A hard copy of the document is also available, please contact the Council’s passenger transport team on 01633 644777 or alternatively email them on passengertransportunit@monmouthshire.gov.uk to request a copy.


The details and online survey can be found on Home to school transport 24/25 consultation - Monmouthshire or alternatively if you would like a hard copy survey these are available at any of the Community Hubs or by request by calling 01633 644777 or emailing passengertransportunit@monmouthshire.gov.uk . If you have any specific questions regarding the consultation please also contact passengertransportunit@monmouthshire.gov.uk


Responses to this consultation will help to inform the Transport Policy before it is considered by Cabinet in September 2023. The adopted policy and any changes will come into effect in September 2024 and apply to all learners accessing home to school transport. This will ensure that parents of learners commencing primary or secondary education in 2024 will be aware of the Transport Policy and eligibility criteria before submitting applications for their preferred school.